New Zealand Trade & Industrial Waters Forum

The main goal of the NZTIWF has always been to get Regulators, Territorial Authorities, Service Providers, and Industry around the same table to facilitate conversations that will balance industrial growth with Infrastructure requirements and environmental outcomes.

Our Purpose Statement

NZTIWF create and lead best practice in trade and industrial waters so that health, wellbeing, and the environment are protected, commercial entities are supported, and the principles of Te Mana o te Wai are upheld.

NZTIWF Objectives

At NZTIWF, we focus on all aspects of “3 waters” as it relates to industrial and commercial activities in our country.

Our objective is to bring Regulators, Utility operators, Resource users, and goods and service providers to the industry into the same room to discuss the issues and work on collaborative solutions If not, develop a better level of understanding of the “other side of the fence”.

Our key objectives include:

Our key activities:

To achieve our objectives, NZTIWF engages in the following activities:

Why a Forum?

When the group was first established, the decision was made to not create another group where people are spoken to and not allowed to give their input or show their passion for industrial/waste waters, or help to create policy, or put forward their ideas to regulators.

The intention was to develop a group that was more inclusive, where people could participate, discuss, and share their ideas and views openly and in a safe environment, and to be able to put forward their ideas to regulators to assist in the creation of policy.

Locations where meetings are held that allow people to talk about a problem or matters of public interest have existed throughout history.

Perhaps the earliest of these was located at the centre of the ancient city of Rome, known as the Forum Romanum (Roman Forum) and the location of important religious, political, and social activities. Historians believe people first began publicly meeting in the open-air Forum around 500 B.C., when the Roman Republic was founded.

If you are interested in history, the background behind the establishment of the Forum Romanum on what had been a low-lying, grassy wetland that was subsequently drained and a large, covered sewer system was built, is fascinating.


Join Us

If you are interested in the responsible management of trade waste, we invite you to become a member of NZTIWF. Together, we can work towards sustainable solutions that protect our environment and ensure the well-being of our communities.