Contact us

Contact the New Zealand Trade & Industrial Waters Forum for all matters regarding Membership, Annual Conference and general information.

New Zealand Trade & Industrial Waters Forum

Postal address:
C/- 22 Pistacia Place
Christchurch 8025

For all enquires contact:
Jennifer Leadley (Executive Officer)

Connect with NZTIWF members via Linkedin

Sign up to become a NZTIWF Member and benefit from discounted conference registration fees along with other benefits including:

  • Information on upcoming events, publications, and policy meetings
  • An annual conference with sessions exclusively for Trade Waste Officers, Liquid Waste Operators, Industry representatives and national water related initiatives.
  • A strong focused group to lobby on your behalf; working to develop common standards, procedures, and mitigation strategies for water and waste issues.
  • Access to a government lobby group that is working hard to create common trade waste standards, procedures, and agreed mitigation strategies within regional organisations.
  • Take part in the AGM of the NZTIWF, to have a voice in national policy and influence issues important to you and your organisation.
  • Discounted conference registration fees.
  • Eligibility to win annual awards which are only open to NZTIWF members.
  • Access to a library of publications and conference papers.
  • Development of best practice guidelines, regulations, and accreditation systems.
  • Publicise your organisations' support for the NZTIWF and its innovations and activities.
  • Network through the NZTIWF group discussion forum on LinkedIn.

Membership Fees Structure

NZTIWF Membership rates for the 1 May 2024 – 30 April 2025 year (excl. GST):

  • Individual @ $175.00 plus GST
  • Corporate @ $435.00 plus GST (up to 3 members);
    • additional members: $95.00 plus GST per additional person up to a maximum of eight (8) members from one organisation
  • Student @ $95.00 plus GST

General enquiries & membership