Industry Groups
Learn more about affiliated groups of the New Zealand Trade & Industrial Waters Forum. Contact us at anytime for further information.
History of NZTIWF & Groups
Prior to 2011 NZTIWF was part of Water NZ and known as the Trade Waste Special Interest Group (SIG). The SIG was predominately for territorial authority trade waste officers and held an annual conference, which was well attended by Trade Waste Officers (TWO) and others interested or working in the trade waste space.
In 2012 the decision was made to become a stand-alone organisation, and NZTIWF was incorporated, and a Board established that year. The Liquid Waste Operators (LWO) group joined NZTIWF in 2015. The LWO had originally been a sector group of WasteMINZ, but with a change of emphasis the decision was made to align the group in the wastewater space.
The LWO bought with them the Liquid & Hazardous Wastes Code of Practice, the Code Compliancy Certification program and WasteTRACK (online tracking system).
NZTIWF conferences are held most years, with TWOs strong supporters of the meetings and making up a significant proportion of delegates. In recent years a wider range of delegates have attended, with suppliers, consultants and others from the industrial wastes sector attending to take the opportunity to network in this niche sector of the waste industry.
NZTIWF has a close relationship with the Water Industry Operations Group (WIOG).