Liquid Waste Operators
The Liquid & Hazardous Waste Code of Practice
The Liquid & Hazardous Waste Code of Practice is the Industry standard for liquid waste operations in NZ.
The Liquid & Hazardous Wastes Code of Practice aims to improve the operating standard within the liquid and hazardous waste industry and create a minimum standard to which all operators are required to comply.
The Liquid and Hazardous Wastes Code of Practice (the Code) was originally developed as an initiative between a group of passionate liquid waste operators and Water NZ at the request of, and with funding assistance from Ministry for Environment. It was first published in 2003 and revised in 2012. It is currently under review again. The Code aims to improve the operating standard within the liquid and hazardous waste industry and create a minimum standard to which all operators are required to comply.
The Liquid and Hazardous Waste Operators Certification Council (the Council) was established in 2007, as a direct result of the need for greater accountability within the industry, and to oversee the Liquid and Hazardous Wastes Code of Practice Compliancy Programme and the accompanying audit process. This has enabled liquid waste operators to be audited against the requirements of the Code and to become Code Compliant. The Liquid and Hazardous Wastes Code of Practice Compliancy Certification programme transferred to NZTIWF in 2015.
Code compliancy provides waste generators and regulators with an assurance that a high standard of service delivery across all aspects of the contractor’s business is being maintained.
The objectives of the Liquid and Hazardous Waste Operators Certification Council Code Compliancy Programme are:
- Reduce harm to personnel, infrastructure, and the environment.
- Improve Efficiency through better management and use of resources and technology.
- WasteTRACKING to ensure an accurate database from which management decisions and reports can be made.
- Ensure an even and competitive system of standards nationwide.
- Promote on-going improvement.
- Be an effective enforcement tool for authorities.
- To give consumers confidence in Liquid and Hazardous Waste Operators services and the operators advocating code compliance.
- To promote and manage best industry practices across all operators at all levels within the industry.
To achieve code compliancy operators are audited every three years, against the standards set in the Liquid and Hazardous Wastes Code of Practice and agree to the requirements set out in the Liquid and Hazardous Wastes Operators Code Compliancy Programme.