Trade Waste (Compliance) Officers
Welcome to the Trade Waste Officers (TWOs) Group of the NZTIWF. This group is made up of Trade Waste Officers (or equivalent roles) from territorial authorities.
Annual Conference
The need for a standalone conference was one of the reasons why NZTIWF was established with a goal of being to create a platform for the TWOs and interested parties to network and collaborate on the challenges they face with managing their trade waste bylaws.
Along with interested parties (e.g. Industry and tanker waste transporters) there’s a need to have an upfront understanding of the expectations set by councils in managing these bylaws in changing times.
The NZTIWF conference always has a closed group workshop session dedicated solely to TWOs. This allows for frank discussions regarding the issues faced and share common learnings, as well as supporting each other.
In this conferrence session, TWOs share ideas about innovations or projects that they have introduced. There is often a training or hands-on component during this workshop session.
Online Meetings (via Teams)
Trade Waste Officers and their colleagues are welcome to join in online Team sessions every couple of months. These online sessions are recorded, the minutes are up-loaded into our Google drive for members to use as a resource. Please email for access.
These sessions are a chance for TWOs from around New Zealand to connect, catch up and share problems and solutions. Session content includes invited speakers, and mini-training topics.
One of the advantages of this group is its diversity which enables TWOs to learn from each other’s successes and failures. TWOs all face similar issues, so being able to utilise this resource to take out some of the guess work is a massive plus. There is no point in reinventing the wheel if others have already done the leg work!