The purpose of a national tracking systems is to monitor and track liquid and hazardous wastes to prevent unauthorised discharge into the environment.


Liquid and hazardous waste database

WasteTRACK is an internet-based database, which tracks liquid and hazardous wastes from generation, through transport to treatment or disposal.

Each time a waste movement is requested by a waste generator, the waste contractor creates a tracking form with a unique number that tags that waste from pickup through to ultimate treatment/disposal. This allows each individual waste movement to be monitored.

WasteTRACK allows for independent verification of appropriate treatment and/or disposal and allows local and central government access to the data for reporting purposes.

Independent verification

Benefits of a National Waste Tracking Database:

  • To get an accurate picture of the nature and quantity of this material being produced and moved nationally.
  • To remove the operators who take short cuts and participate in “fly dumping”.
  • To provide a safe neutral program to trace waste from source to disposal.
  • To protect the ethical operators from the cost-cutting of unethical competition.
  • To eliminate cross boundary dumping of material that currently moves from one facility to another with little or no consequence to the producer or transporter.
  • To prevent Territorial Local Authorities from each having their own isolated system for the tracking of this material in their own patch which provides no means to audit or compare data nationally.
  • Capturing accurate information to fulfil New Zealand’s international obligations.
  • Driving efficiencies which in turn can assist with waste reduction and recycling.